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  • Writer's pictureJesus Dominguez

Careers in Multimedia

  1. Animators And Multimedia Arts

They create graphics and animation using hand drawings and computer software and equipment. They create animated effects in films, tv shows and commercials. They put several images together to make it appear that the object or character is moving . Animators and Multimedia arts earn an average of $57,000 and $27.74 an hour. The average money they make in the United States is $40,250 and $19.35 an hour. You can get training by some high school courses and beginning animators and artists may receive on the job training. You will need a bachelors degree. I would be interested in this career because it sounds interesting and it would be cool to be animating like tv shows and commercials.

2. Video Game Designers

They write blueprints for computer games. The lead designer develops the overall concept and feel of the game. For video game designers in Washington State they make $23.63 an hour and an $49,152. In Washington the median salary is $92,104 and $44.28 an hour. To work as a video game designer you typically need to have a high school diploma. have a bachelors degree in computer graphics and have a work experience in a related occupation. A small number of colleges and universities offer gaming minors as part of a computer science program. This job sounds pretty cool I would be interested in this job maybe I can help develop the next FIFA or GTA V.

3. Cartoonists

Cartoonists draw images to express ideas. Some cartoonists use original ideas and others use current news events to inspire their drawings. For cartoonists they don't have an official salary and the wages vary by employer and the artists reputation. When they first start they earn less than minimum wage and work a second job to support themselves. Cartoonists are usually freelances who work when they find a market for their art they sell it. Some helpful high school courses are Accounting and Entrepreneurship. I would not be interested in this job because at first they earn less than minimum wage and the job does not interest me.

4. Web Developers

Web developers design and create web pages. Web developers talk to clients to find out what they need. Some websites provide information to a limited audience and purpose. The salary for web developers in Washington is $63,565 and $30.56 an hour. The median salary in the United States is $73,760. To be a web developer you need a high school diploma and have an associate degree. And you receive on the job training. You should also consider taking some advanced placement classes. I would not do this job because it does not interest me. I need more action instead of sitting in front of the computer all day.

5. Camera Operators

They use motion picture, tv, or video cameras to film a wide range of subjects. Camera operators who film movies often move while filming. The starting salary in the United States is $26,560 and $12.77 an hour. The median salary in Washington is $60,092 and $28.90 an hour. To work as a camera operator you need to have a high school diploma and have a bachelors degree in camera operation or videography. As a beginning camera operator you learn to set up the lights cameras and other equipment. As you gain experience you advance to more demanding assignments. This job does not interest me because the starting salary is too low I would rather get a job that makes more money.

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